Randolph Community Programs
Membership Info
Thank you for your patience as the RICC was utilized to assist our ongoing public health efforts. We are staffed and ready to slowly get back to normal by expanding on current hours and programs!
Bring a Photo ID with current address or Photo ID and current utility bill to sign up for Membership.
Seniors (60+) Only Hours: Mon-Fri 8:30AM-2PM
All Ages Hours: Mon-Fri 2PM-8PM | Sat 9AM-5PM
Non-Resident Rates (access to programs and open gym only): Day Pass = $10 | Monthly Membership = $35

Registering For Programs or Accessing Online Account:
The Randolph Recreation Department utilizes an online registration platform called "MyRec":
1 - Navigate to MyRec at:
2 - Create an account for yourself and an account for your child (under your household account) *if you already have an account you can request a password reset if you don't remember it, from the login page.
3 - Click on "Programs", for example underneath you will see Fall Swim Lessons - find the appropriate level to register for Swim Lessons (each level has a description).
4 - Register yourself or your child for programs.